Thursday, May 09, 2013


Check out this "life size" SKELETOR FIGURE by Diego D. Gonzalez!

[in hardcore nerd voice] It's 5-feet tall, so not quite accurate to "life size" since Skeletor would be over 6-ft tall in real life.

He also made a sword and rams-head staff, and is in the process of making the bubble/card packaging! 

Kickass, Diego!



Timewaster said...

Um...dare I ask - why Teela wasn't the first "life sized" figure to be made?

Hobgoblin238 said...

Forced perspective...If it is 5 feet tall he would be standing beside it...

Jim said...

The article said it was 5-ft tall. Shrug.

Darlok said...

I preffer Evilin berfore Teela..